May 10, 2007


Generally speaking, ENERGY WORK is an acknowledgment of the Universal Life Energies that surround us & flow through us.
When one is a willing conduit for any certain Energy Modality, a pathway is provided allowing that Universal Flow to be channeled in specific ways in order to maintain a natural balance.
Most Healing Energy Modalities can support the release of old traumas and fears that may be limiting our natural healing capabilities. Our chakras can become more open and aligned... which in turn allows the energetic patterns in our bodies to flow more easily.
A person may gain clarity, relief of pain, emotional understanding and perhaps an heightened spiritual awareness.
They are TOOLS for opening up to HEALING. Any modality, when worked with sincerely and egolessly, received with open heart/mindedness brings unique properties, gifts and potential of higher dimensional frequency to the 3D level.
Musielight is just one of the many Healing Tools that we can tap into.

As a practitioner of Reiki, Magnified Healing and La Ho Chi...each useful modalities individually....I began to notice during a session that the "feel" was beginning to change. I thought I was doing La Ho Chi, which became my Modality of Choice and had been using it for several years, continually. But...I was "told" by my guides that the work was indeed changing and was transforming into my "signature" energy.

Because I work closely with the Mother Mary-Dove Frequency, MUSIELIGHT is then an extension of that DOVE energy...AKA, the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit being an expression of SPIRIT via MARY the human being and potentially can integrate with the individual based on intention and soul-purpose. The DOVE or Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways only because...we are ALL ONE yet uniquely designed individuals...and the energy/Spirit "knows" what is truly needed even when we do not.

MUS-I-EL, much like the name of an ANGELIC form translates as: MUSICAL LIGHT.
It is a deeply penetrating energy, that works specifically with humans that are in need of assistance in their Ascension process and creates permanent changes or openings...on the cellular level. As the DNA, our blueprint, is now continually being upgraded.
Our bodies are experiencing strange symptoms...and our emotional bodies as well, are catching up with the
new "Paradigm" of Consciousness on an individual level as well as helping to transmute the New Planetary Awareness.
Musielight can be experienced through tones, colors and overall vibrational shifts of thought, emotion and BEING-ness. During and after a session, one may even see/sense the light permeating the body/bodies on different levels... Emotional, Physical, Mental...therefore, it truly Sheds LIGHT on what needs to be seen and what HEALING needs to be "remembered".

What people experience generally during a session is an extreme feeling of peace and calm. Then as the heart opens ...deeper clarity can be attained. But not necessarily clarity with words or in the usual forms of communication, but in ESSENCE.
I am the host for MARY and other guides, as you know. And when doing MUSIELight, I am again only a HOST. A vessel through which this higher dimensional vibration can become manifest.
Usually, I simply place my hands on the Head (crown) and heart of the client. Intuitively determining the length of "hands-on" time needed .
Then, messages can and usually do come through me, for the client. Often they pertain directly to the ISSUES at hand. But one can ask more questions after the initial comments from Spirit, are expressed.
A session can last from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the needs of the client.
The fee for a MUSIELight session is 65.00.
At ANY time, if one feels the need for a session and sincerely cannot afford that fee at that time...please let me now. 'financing', payments etc...can ALWAYS be arranged.

If you considering the experience of MUSIELight or would like more information,
contact me: (email preferred)

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